NCIDQ Examination Preparation Information
If you have not taken or completed the NCIDQ Examination, make sure you have all the tools you need to prepare for the exam. To help you prepare, NCIDQ has developed all-new study materials designed specifically for the new format of the examination which began in 2010.
Practicum Exam Prep
NCIDQ’s Practice Design Problems (PDPs) help you prepare for the newly formatted practicum section of the exam by simulating the actual testing experience. The new PDP is a complete sample examination that includes all the exercises you will encounter on the actual examination.
NCIDQ’s Practice Design Problems come with:
- Problem booklets and codes for all three parts of the exam
- 18” x 24” vellum drawing sheets
- Online examples of a passing and a failing solution
New PDPs will be released after each practicum examination. Practice Design Problems are available to anyone; you do not have to be an approved exam candidate to purchase one.
Multiple-Choice Exam Prep
NCIDQ has published an exciting all-new multiple-choice study option: online multiple-choice practice tests. Access them anytime and anywhere there's internet access! Each practice tests consists of 75 multiple-choice questions reflecting the same percentage of questions in each content area that appear on the actual exam. This online version gives you the freedom to practice on your own time.
For additional information contact NCIDQ or visit their website at